The Path

Well, here we go again. I am job hunting through necessity, not my choice.

And yet, after a time of anguish, it feels like it was meant to be. Though still not my timing, not my choice, not my seeking after. I was happy. But I believe I could be happier still.

So here is the poem I wrote this eveing:

I never seek a new path, it is not my nature.

For me, the comfort of the familiar 

needs improving, rearranging, decorating 

making into something different a little bit at a time.

I yearn for more, for better, for different, 

but I like to quietly change my environment in tiny ways,

Keep it familiar while making it new and exciting.

I never seek a new path.

Never a new home, new job, new place

only new opportunities within my comfort zone.

But, Oh, the path it twists and turns,

like a rollercoaster, hanging on tight for fear of falling


Onto a new path

I never seek a new path, yet it finds me when it must, 

when I can hold on no longer, when I fall

When I fall…

I never land nowhere.

But always, 

On the right path.
